Saturday, October 31, 2009

Today was a very very busy day, and my legs hurts like mad!! > <
Early morning woke up at 6.30a.m. then went to subang to pick jia hui and qinghua to my church carnival, fund raising for Calvary Convention Centre
Went there, happy happy =) I found a coupon which is still usable, i thought it was my lucky day but i was wrong.
I saw a gift i really wanted, thanks qh and jh for helping me try to get it, but someone else took it o_O so unlucky man. This was my first sign of my unluckyness. Second sign was, i used up my coupon!! D:. Third was the worst of all, i got stung by a bee. *shit*
I told my mum about it. She was beside me when the bee stung me, but she did not see it happening. amazing ain't it? haha
I quickly hold my finger end so that the poison wont spread to my blood stream,
ahhh!! so scary, after the first aid person dealt with my poooooor finger, it hurts so bad =(. It hurts hurts hurts! lessons to those who never been stung by bees before, DO NOT TRY TO CATCH A BEE WITH YOUR OWN BARE HANDS!
yes! that was how it happened! -.-

The All American Rejects! We reached there about 3.50p.m.
It was suppose to start at 6p.m. we thought we were early but when we went there, there was already a long line queing up! zzzz
when it was time to go in, thats around 5.20 like that, everyone was like rushing in at the same time. but got security so everyone must really slow down.
Its like every 10 minutes u get to take only one step -.-
and everyone crowd around me no oxygen to breathe! And u know my height, hard to snatch for air u know? =X
at last we went in! It was a long time be4 it started! we were high and there thirsty and den bored becus the malaysian band pop shuvit, disagree and one buck short was like sooooo boring, or isit becus i dono any of their songs?
and then at last! ARR CAME ON STAGE! they started with the song MOVE ALONG..., SWING SWING,...DAMN GIRL,...IT ENDS TONIGHT,...THE WIND BLOW & finally ended with GIVES YOU HELL! it was so freaking awesome!!
after that sun ming fetch us back to jia hui's house and mum fetched me and syuen frm there to kota kemuning.
i will post pics tmrw!! no time, gotta sleep! nites =)
♥our lips must always be sealed
10:27 AM

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Maths yesterday was so hard, scared my results bad for maths. History i got 73! T.T 2 more marks very short post, phone no battery bye =)
♥our lips must always be sealed
10:20 PM

Sunday, October 18, 2009
anyways...shhh CONGRATS!!!
i damn shock but damn happy for u and voon jin
i din really expect anything like that weih!
voon jin voon jin~
brother brother! ur so lucky! u better treat her well or else u kena from me
and winnie's sifu UNDERSTAND!?
♥our lips must always be sealed
8:43 AM
Finals are coming!! Are u guys ready for it? IM NOT!! ><
now im like hardcore studying history
writing notes and notes and MORE NOTES
my hand hurts like crap D:
well, won't be blogging until after exams
i cant take it!!
too much stress T.T
im gonna grw lots of white hair
oh well
''For God so love the world that he gave his one and only son, for whomever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life '' John 3:16
♥our lips must always be sealed
8:24 AM

Thursday, October 15, 2009
1. Where did you take your profile pic?
- my phone =P
2. What exactly are you wearing right now
- A T-shirt & shorts
3. What is your current problem?
- erm...=X
4. What makes you happy most?
- no idea
5. What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
- Hotel room service ~pitbull xD
6. Any celeb you would marry?
- none
7. Name someone/persons with the same birthday as you:
- not that i know anyone that has the same birthday date as me =)
8. Ever sang in front of a large audience?
- Yeah
9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
- err? kinda LOL
10. Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
- sometimes =D
11. Do you speak any other languages than English?
- Yes, of course.
12. Has anyone you've been really close passed away?
- yes D:
13. Do you ever watch MTV?
- Yeap.
14. What's something that really annoys you?
Chapter 1
1. Middle name:
- Eu.
2. Nickname(s):
- mm....ppl always call me short X.X
3. Current location:
- my house's ''cyber cafe''
4. Eye color:
- brown
Chapter 2
1. Do you get along with your parent(s):
- Sometimes. mostly yes
2.Are your parents married/separated/divorced?
- Married.
Chapter 3 : Favourites
1.Ice Cream:
- STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKe!! (baskin robbin)
2. Season:
-Spring, Winter
3. Shampoo/conditioner:
- Both?
4. Favorite Thing:
- basketball <3
Chapter 4: Do You..
1. Dance in the shower?:
- Hmm..
2. Do you write on your hand?:
- Sometimes
3. Call people back?:
- Yeap.
4. Believe in God?:
- OF COURSE. God brought us here. =)
5. Any bad habits?
- Many ~~ shh =X
6. Any mental health issues?
- Nope.
Chapter 5: Have You..
1. Sprained stuff:
- sprained my finger D: it hurts
2. Had physical therapy?
- Like?
3. Gotten stitches?
- yahhh
4. Taken painkillers:
- forgot. maybe not=)
5. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling:
- yeap.
6. Thrown up at the dentist:
- Nope.
7. Sworn in front of your parents?
- Yes! by accident...
8. Had detention?
- Nah.
Chapter 6: Who/What was the last
1. Three people who texted you:
- Ther Chuan, Jia Jiun, Jia Hui
2.Person you called:
- Daddy.
3. Person you hugged:
- Mummy.
4. Person you tackled?:
- O.O
5. Person you talked to on MSN?:
- Khai Syuen
6. Thing you touched?
- My cellphone?
7. Things you ate? :
- haven eaten
8. Thing you drank:
- water
9. Thing you said:
- bye.
10. Friend you saw ytd(12am-12am):
- Sun da, Marcus, Nicholas, Joshua, Han Yao...
Tag :
1. Khai Syuen
2. Huan Gie
3. Qing Hua
4. Sue Lin
5. Wei Yuin
6. Michelle
7. Tze Ken
8. Wenn Chyi
9. Winnie
10. Shi Yan
p.s/ i dono why but i got this feeling i dont belong ='(
♥our lips must always be sealed
4:19 PM
Today din go school becus i not feeling well, =( , anyway, no mood for school too! And i recieved very very shitty news from jia jiun
WTH!!!!!I WAS so freaking LOOKING FORWARD for training this sunday! And u say no training
UUGH! I so angry now
THIS IS BULL S***!!!!!!
♥our lips must always be sealed
12:32 AM

Monday, October 12, 2009
Rest In Peace dear Auntie Lim
Its well, better for u to go
so that u dont have to suffer from ur cancer anymore
I really miss u, I love u too!
I know u cant read this message
but i know u are already in the kingdom of God
You made the best Turkey!
You are the best!
We love u~
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:35 AM
lick hung's carnival day wast quite boring at first =P
hung out with rachel and huan gie
so boring, so me and rachel left huan gie and her friends
we went back to my sis class where they selling things
i helped to sell the ice sticks!!
quite fun la
i stood dere and help my mum sell for most of the carnival
quite fun selling things =D
went to sri melur with rachel for lunch
i changed to my training clothes
after eating, huan gie came to sri melur to eat also
see huan gie?
we so kind wait for u
but u are such a SLOW EATER!
met with wenn chyi and shi yan and winnie in lick hung again
shi yan and wenn chyi already changged to their training clothes
Went to training
just that.......
at the begining of training, i hurt my finger
so i could not shoot right
but still okay
on the last full court game, dono why, but my team suddenly got ON FIRE!
it was so AMAZING
dono how explain
go ask other ppl
right wenn chyi?
electric wire!!
> <
awesome man!
but went home, my finger was swollen and i had to put the chinese medicine and
wrap it up with bandage D:
at night went to gym with my big bro!! ^__^
soo fun!!
sweat alot
then from gym we walked all the way to old town white coffee
its not near, quite a long walk
and it was super dark
thats all for now! watching some stuff on youtube! byee
p.s/ will post the pics in the nxt post, lazy =P
Labels: ~eunise~
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:16 AM

Friday, October 9, 2009
TAN KE JIA & LIEW KIM SENG!! wishing u both the best for the final exams
and to be happy xD
your friend,
♥our lips must always be sealed
8:42 PM

This afternoon, after fetching bros from school, dropped by giant mall
and ate sushi king =D
i had the unagi set
it was DELICIOUSSSS! *slurrp*

and i made RICE BALL!!!
its sushi rice, i used it and made rice ball

ate different kinds of sushi too
it was soooo fun!!
and delicious

After sushi, had starbucks too! xD
Caramel Cream o.o
at night went to pyramid with family
bought a sit up machine thingy, went for yogurt berry ice cream =P YUMM
walked around, played the drums at the yamaha drums and guitar promotion
bought some nice stuff
and i made RICE BALL!!!
its sushi rice, i used it and made rice ball

I really wan this basketball pole thingy!! D:
maybe my dad is getting it for me ^_^
can play at home, sure damn shuang!
went to pyramid that day with my mother, for the yamaha guitar & drum thingy
while she sell, i walk around the mall alone
so i went to this sport shop, and saw it O.O
ahh! i really want it!!
p.s/ tomorrow is kim seng's birthday! wish him yeah? =D
Labels: +=eunise=+
♥our lips must always be sealed
8:02 AM

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

rachel, ruth and me went outing at sunway pyramid, sent my sis to school then straight away dropped us at pyramid
hehehee! so few ppl, thats why so fun
first time i did some real shopping
im not really good at shopping these stuff, but thanks to rachel and ruth
it was awesome!!
We went to the photo sticker machine there to take some photos
from left to right is when i std 6~form 2 pic

the pictures
we went to it zenmai pasta -___-
forgot how spell
don care =P
3 ppl eat = RM98.80
but it was quite worthit
rachel planned the outing!
p.s / exams T.T crap
♥our lips must always be sealed
8:13 AM

Friday, October 2, 2009
QING HUA ( mum )
nobody to call me a ''
loser'' today
nobody to call me a, uhh...''
lame'' today HAHA
WE MISSED U!! i miss u more than others ;)
whatever =)
nowadays i kip singing in school
and sun ming brought his kitten to school today
the kitten sleep alot, den after dat it meowed!
teacher almost heard it
than everyone wanna protect the kitten
so everyone started to fake meow and laugh loud loud xD
chinese period i pretended to cough while sun ming laugh loud loud
BI period SOOO CLOSE to getting caught by teacher
but lucky the kitten shutted up
good kitty
oh ya, scared yee pei ^_^
she scared of cats, i tricked her so many times
she yelled so loud
don blame me! im mischevious
ahh...after school is very nice
can't deny that i miss him
♥our lips must always be sealed
7:02 AM